Saturday 26 April 2014

Implications and positive mental

Last Tuesday I went to see my doctor for my scheduled six month of my Lasik eye surgery. As usual while waiting to see my doctor I managed to have a conversation with a patient who's going to have his Lasik eye surgery. I told him that I've done it six month ago and this will be my last appointment because of my dry eyes. We were sharing on tips about Lasik and some of it is similar. He were saying that prior to have Lasik, he's been looking for information and knowledge for he past six month before he's decided to have this surgery. While he's looking for informations, there is variety of opinions that he has gather and this makes him confident to proceed with the surgery. Among things we share was possible consequences on Lasik. Although it was common knowledge that I know but I would like to share some of the implications that may happen to anyone who had Lasik eye surgery. I hope that sharing this knowledge with patients out there will guide them to plan and have better understanding about this technology.

There are conversation among the people who has undergo this surgery that they had few problems after the surgery. These include night vision problem and glare especially at night. I also had this issue especially during the early stage or right after the surgery. I ask others on this issue but most of them has the common issues but it will become much more better when time goes. Even I has issues especially when driving at night. To some extend I had a headache at the early stage but now after six month it becoming much more better. My doctor did mention to me that for you to get a perfect vision after the surgery does not come instantly. You need to be patience. Some people feel that they were be cheated because what has been promised does not happen to them. For me, you need to evaluate and make some homework before you decide to have Lasik. Every individual has differences to cure. I was told that there are people took only a month to have a perfect eye. Some people like to put benchmark for them to cure perfectly. We need to understand that everyone has difference to cure of have perfect vision. I would like to advice that every person has differences because it will depend on health condition. It is like you are running 100 meter. There must a champion and first runner up and so on. Same with our eyes. Timing to cure is different and need to accept this because human body are not similar to each other.

These are common problems that I use to hear from people who has undergo Lasik. This conversation will continue but when we have preparation especially we have a positive mental, these issues is not a big problem. I remember after the surgery and time goes, I think too much especially at that time I can't have a perfect vision. For me, it was not what has been promises. When times goes I need to focus other things, my mental has accepted on the condition of my eyes now. Thing that I'm so happy was I don't need to wear glasses anymore. I feel blessed now because my vision becoming better and better now. So, for people out there please ensure you have a positive mental after your surgery. This will help you to accept that this is your new vision.

All the best.

Photo credit to

Friday 25 April 2014

Procedure Lasik before and after.

After nearly six month I've done with Lasik eye surgery, there are still people that I know asking what happen to my glasses. I assume that these people knew that I've used to wearing glasses quite a long time and when I does not wearing it, common question will keep continues everytime I meet friend that I did not see for a long time. For some friends that are wearing glasses of contact lens, for sure there will be hundreds of questions they will ask and they assume that I knows everything. I just a human being that sometime when we do things doesn't meant that we knows everything. Same with me but sometime I feel guilty when I can't answer them. So, I've done some research and look for informations that I need if people may ask me things that they need to know about Lasik eye surgery. Anyway, I'm sure to everyone who has read my blog, some of the common questions that I manage to find the answer, I'll share with you. Anyway, you can google and there will be thousand of information on Lasik but I only focus to general questions that people use to ask me.

I hope these will help everyone to have more clear view on Lasik eye surgery. There will be others who has more knowledge especially the doctors who's doing the surgery but you need to understand that doctors usually share things that are related to the surgery and other advices after the surgery. Beyond than that you need to look information to furnish yourself about basic or general knowledge on Lasik eye surgery. Hopefully people who read what I've share will benefit from my writings.

Does Lasik safe?
It is safe and an effective procedure but you need to remember it is not a right choice for everyone. If you proceed with Lasik, you may receive a minimal result. It is a must for everyone to have a comprehensive check before you undergo this eye surgery.

It is hurt?
No. It is a painless treatment You will be given an anesthetic drop to make sure your eyes a numb. You may feel a light pressure sensation around your eye, and after the procedure is finished you will feel a sensation, but most people experience very little pain.

How long is the procedures?

The actual procedure usually takes less than 10 minutes per eye. Depending on your prescription, and the amount of correction needed, the laser itself only takes 20-50 seconds to correct your vision. However, you should plan on being in the office for approximately an hour-and-a-half on your day of surgery.

How soon can I see after surgery
The majority of patients resume normal activities one to two days following surgery but it may take 1 to 2 months for your vision to fully stabilize. Although everyone is a little different, the vast majority of our LASIK patients achieve legal driving vision or better, the very next day. That is one of the most exciting advantages of the LASIK procedure; clear vision comes in quickly.

These are some of the informations from my reading with few sources in the Internet. Later I'll share on the possible implication and other thing that are related to us. See everyone on next post. 

Please take care of your eyes. 

credit to: 
2. i. telegraph .co.ok

Thursday 24 April 2014

Are you eligible for Lasik?

As usual every Sunday, I've to attend my class at a University in Shah Alam. My class will start at 8.30 in the morning. Before that I'll drop by to a restaurant near to my Uni for a quick breakfast. This story happen last week while I'm having my hot coffee, suddenly a guy comes towards me and asked, "are you Yusof from Sitiawan". I look up to him and I knew he is my childhood friend. We were hugging and he were hesitant to say hi because last time I'm using glasses. During the conversation I told him that I've undergo a Lasik eye surgery. Since he's wearing a glasses, he ask me if everyone suitable to have a Lasik surgery. Since I only have a basic knowledge on this, I just told him that anyone who has a healthy eyes and good health condition are eligible to have Lasik. He also ask me is there any possibility for anyone who cannot have this surgery. I only know that anyone who has diabetes are advisable not to have this surgery but I was not satisfy with my answer because I knew there must be other reasons not to have this surgery. At home, I decided to google and look for informations and this is my findings on possibility not to have Lasik.

  • People are above 40's and loss of near vision. It is natural issue because of aging. These people having difficulties to read close-up and have to use reading glasses.
  • People who has high refractive errors may not recommend for Lasik.
  • People who has eye disorder or disease. If they have diabetes, it will depend of doctors advice.
  • People who are under 20. This is because their eyes prescription is still charging and this is normal. They need to wait few years later.
Based on my observation through reading, I can say that 99% people are eligible for Lasik, they are depending on their healthy eyes. It does't meant that there are no other solution apart from Lasik. There are other alternative for vision correction. The most important is to see the doctor and ask for their professional opinion. You will be safe because doctor's advice is the best for your eye correction.

I hope this will help everyone in making the decision.

Photo credit to:

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Meet up session

I received email from individuals telling that they still can't make their decision to have Lasik eye surgery or remain to use glasses or contact lens. Although some of them has already meet the doctors asking about this kind of technology, they still don't have that confident and has the feeling of anxious to doing this surgery. I understand their mix feelings because they only have a pair of eyes and it is impossible to replaced. So they have a lot of thinking to ensure that whatever steps taken will be the best decision ever.

To share with you, I also have the same feeling before I decide to undergo Lasik but when I have gather all the informations, i did not think too much. I've confident with the technology and the doctor. For me, if you think too much it sometimes does not help us in making our decision. Thinking too much sometime make us feel that we are not ready to have this surgery. The pros and cons about Lasik make us feel pressure in making decision. My advice is don't think too much. If your mind telling you to do it, go for it but if opposite, don't do it.

I'm getting request from individuals to share my experience about this surgery. Therefore, to help people out there in making the decision, me and few other friends who has undergo Lasik eye surgery will be having meet up session. I would like to invite anyone out there who has doubt and questions to join us and we will share our opinion and experience about this Lasik eye surgery. Maybe by having this session, there will be people who are willing to make their final decision. Come join us.

Where: Restoran Ayam Kampung KK, Puchong Utama, Puchong
Time: 2000
Date: 25/4/14

See you there!

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Choosing the right doctor

As a guy who use to wear glasses more than 20 years, looking for alternatives for not using the glasses anymore, undergo a Lasik eye surgery is the answer. Maybe because I've done my own effort in searching all the information about this technology. I assume that people out there who has the knowledge about Lasik decide to have this surgery. The only this that will be a challenge was to choose the right doctor for your Lasik surgery.

Choosing a right doctor will be a tough decision for you. When I decide to have this surgery, choosing the right doctor will always be my challenge because there is a similarity among them. I've to consider few factors that I think is important for me before I've made my decision. I would say that the most important for you to choose the right doctor is to know the doctor's reputation for patient satisfaction, experienced and board certified surgeon. Once you have listed the names of the doctors, its time for you to ask friends who use their service or surf the Internet to read any reviews on doctors you have selected.

Not all Lasik centre, hospitals and doctors are equal. By having a checklist, it will help you to choose based on your needs. These are the lists that you may consider in choosing the right doctor and Lasik centre:

  • Cleanliness. Does the clinic appear to be clean? A reputable centre mostly will be clean and concerned on hygienic.
  • Equipment. What kind of technology does the centre use. Does the centre has the blade-less technology or femtoseconds machine.
  • Professionalism, friendly staff. Please monitor on the professionalism from the staff to the surgeon. Does they assist you on issue that you need on any clarification? If you have financial issues, do they assist you on this and does they answer you especially related to consequences after the surgery.
  • Patient satisfactions. You need to know how does the successful rate in those centre by asking people that used the centre. Some centre claim that their service is 100% successful but you need to ask people who has used the centre.
  • Enhancements. Are enhancements frequently needed? Remember, Lasik eye surgery results are vary based on individual conditions. Even the doctor informed that the surgery was successful, future enhancement may be needed for corrections. You need to identify and check if the centre able to complete the task.
  • Results. Does the Lasik centre offer a lifetime commitment on the results, including some minor or major adjustment. You need to ask this question before you undergo this surgery. You only have a pair of eyes. By understand the consequences will make you feel comfortable not only choosing the right doctor but you know that you are given your faith to the right doctor. (
Please ensure that you follow these steps and tips before you made the decision. This is to ensure that your vision can be corrected and improve for the future.

Picture Credit To: 
2. www.

Monday 21 April 2014

Caring your eyes

If you follow my blog, most of the info that I shared is about sharing what Lasik is all about. I hope everyone who read my posting will guild and help people out there before they make any decision. It is important to have some knowledge for us to think over and make some analysis on this procedures. Anyway, a doctor advice will be the most important on Lasik eye surgery because they are the professional who will be doing the surgery. Prior to that, reading and get to know people's experience will also help you to ask questions to the doctor. This make you feel confidence and convince to undergo this surgery.

Today, I'm not going to share information about Lasik but I would like to share some tips and information on how to take care of your eyes based on my readings. It is said that our eyes is the mirror to our personality. It reflect the person we are and it also consider as our expression without words. The most important our eyes gave us the chance to see how beautiful the world are. We sometime focus more on our appearance through our eyes. Our eyes gave  the idea to our brain what should we wear. We are too focus on our outside appearance but fail to take care of our eyes. Fail to do this, some people have problems with their eyes with loss of perfect vision.

The most important is to have a routine checkup every year to know your vision health care. It is similar to some people who went for yearly health examination. You also need to have this kind of examination for your eyes. By having a regular checkup on your eyes will help you to maintain or avoiding any eye disease or blurry vision. It is known that lost of perfect vision because of naturally with age but if we have an adequate precaution, we can extend your eyesight even into old age.

There are many instances or things that may cause eye problems. These include excessive eye strains from reading, watching TV, spending more time in front of computer or work that may cause danger to your eyes. There are also people who has unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking, obesity, eye open directly to the sun, unhealthy diet and even sometime taking certain medications. To ensure that your eyes does not affected by any disease or loss of vision, it is advisable for your to have a yearly routine checkup to make sure that both of your eyes are healthy.

It is also good for you to splash water directly to your eyes. By splashing water, it helps your eyes to relax and not over strained. Eating healthy food and have a planned diet also part of steps to take care of your eyes. diet is actually control your eye problem and help you to produce a healthy eyes. You also need to avoid looking directly to the sun or overexposure to sun frequently. Lastly, please make sure your eyes has enough rest. To sleep seven to eight hours will help you to protect and relaxing your both eyes and body.

Hope this will help everyone to take a very good care of our eyes. See in another post.

Photo Credit to:

Saturday 19 April 2014

Taking care of your eyes after Lasik surgery

Before I undergo my Lasik eye surgery, I have to see the optemetrist to check on my power and for them to decide what will be the best configuration for my both eyes. I remember after I've done all the checking, there will be one session where the optometrist inform me the precautions that I need to take seriously after the surgery. Here, I would like to share some of the advice that I still remember for everyone out there to take it seriously once you have undergo Lasik eye surgery.

1. Please make sure that you don't take a bath, shower or clean your hair until the day after the surgery.
2. Try to avoid during shower, soap does not intact to your eyes a week after the surgery. You also need to avoid any hair spray and shaving lotion into your eyes for faster healing process.
3. Don't ever rub your eye after the surgery.
4. Do not drive within a week after the surgery or you are confident that you can drive. For your first time driving after the surgery, please bring someone along to help you in any difficulties.
5. You will be given an eye shield after the surgery. Please ensure you wear it while sleeping or at least a week to avoid any uncontrolled occurrence to your eyes.
6. If you decide to wash your face, please ensure that the tap water does not direcly get into your eyes at least for a week.
7. Please do not involve in any outside or indoor activity such as swimming, sauna or any sports a month after the surgery.
8. Some of us have to cut our hair or get hair colored or permed. Avoid this at least 10 days after the surgery.
9. Some of us like to have exercise as their daily routine. You may do so but after two days of surgery.
10. Please wear eye protection or a sunglass when you need to go outside or outdoor activity for at least a month.
11. Dryness is normal after the surgery and it is important avoiding any dirty and dusty environment. This will help you to control the dryness.
12. Please make sure you do not look straight to the sun directly. Please use any protection such as sunglass.

These are some of the tips that I still can remember from optometrist advice. I hope these tips will guide everyone out there to take care of your eyes after the Lasik eye surgery.

Take care and see in another post.