Saturday 26 April 2014

Implications and positive mental

Last Tuesday I went to see my doctor for my scheduled six month of my Lasik eye surgery. As usual while waiting to see my doctor I managed to have a conversation with a patient who's going to have his Lasik eye surgery. I told him that I've done it six month ago and this will be my last appointment because of my dry eyes. We were sharing on tips about Lasik and some of it is similar. He were saying that prior to have Lasik, he's been looking for information and knowledge for he past six month before he's decided to have this surgery. While he's looking for informations, there is variety of opinions that he has gather and this makes him confident to proceed with the surgery. Among things we share was possible consequences on Lasik. Although it was common knowledge that I know but I would like to share some of the implications that may happen to anyone who had Lasik eye surgery. I hope that sharing this knowledge with patients out there will guide them to plan and have better understanding about this technology.

There are conversation among the people who has undergo this surgery that they had few problems after the surgery. These include night vision problem and glare especially at night. I also had this issue especially during the early stage or right after the surgery. I ask others on this issue but most of them has the common issues but it will become much more better when time goes. Even I has issues especially when driving at night. To some extend I had a headache at the early stage but now after six month it becoming much more better. My doctor did mention to me that for you to get a perfect vision after the surgery does not come instantly. You need to be patience. Some people feel that they were be cheated because what has been promised does not happen to them. For me, you need to evaluate and make some homework before you decide to have Lasik. Every individual has differences to cure. I was told that there are people took only a month to have a perfect eye. Some people like to put benchmark for them to cure perfectly. We need to understand that everyone has difference to cure of have perfect vision. I would like to advice that every person has differences because it will depend on health condition. It is like you are running 100 meter. There must a champion and first runner up and so on. Same with our eyes. Timing to cure is different and need to accept this because human body are not similar to each other.

These are common problems that I use to hear from people who has undergo Lasik. This conversation will continue but when we have preparation especially we have a positive mental, these issues is not a big problem. I remember after the surgery and time goes, I think too much especially at that time I can't have a perfect vision. For me, it was not what has been promises. When times goes I need to focus other things, my mental has accepted on the condition of my eyes now. Thing that I'm so happy was I don't need to wear glasses anymore. I feel blessed now because my vision becoming better and better now. So, for people out there please ensure you have a positive mental after your surgery. This will help you to accept that this is your new vision.

All the best.

Photo credit to